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1.Can I Edit or Cancel the Order?

If you want to cancel the order within 6 hours after placing the order, our company will allow you to cancel the order, but if your order has been sent, you cannot cancel the order. For us, intercepting express delivery in the middle will be very troublesome, and we will also bear the loss of freight. Pray for forgiveness! If your item has not been sent out and you want to cancel the order, please contact the customer service email for specific detailed questions.

2.Items Are Missing From My Order, What Can I Do? Possible reasons:

Order Split Shipped: Check your order whether it has not been split shipped. Contact our Customer Service. Ordered from different warehouses: If you ordered from different warehouses the order will have multiple shipments. Govicture made a mistake: On rare occasions, an item may be missed during packaging. Parcel damaged or items removed: The package seems modified or damaged and items may have fallen out. If you have checked, there is still something missing. Take photos of what has arrived and email what is missing to our Customer Service at service@govicture.comincluding your order number and a copy of the parcel declaration.

3.Received An Incorrect Item, What Should I Do?

Please tell us the order number and detailed information received, and contact us at

Our customer service team will reply to you within 24-48 hours. Once the customer service confirms that an item is incorrect, we will refund you or send another item (if applicable and available). Govicture will determine whether you need to return the wrong product and will compensate for a return shipping fee after receiving the product.

4.How To Change The Delivery Address?

Once you need to change the delivery address, please contact us immediately, because once it is sent out, we will not be able to change the address, nor can we send you another package for free. Contact customer service immediately (or send an email to!

1.When will I receive my order?

Due to the precautions our distribution center is taking as a result of COVID-19, there are order processing delays of 2–3 business days. You'll receive an email notification when your order ships!

2.What’s the status of my order?

You can follow your order both during processing and after it has left our warehouse processing: You can check the status on the "My Orders" page shipped: Once your order is shipped, you will receive an email from us. In this email, there is the tracking information for your packages as well as the website on which you can trace your order at. Tracking information is also available on your Order Details page. If you're concerning your order status, please visit to track it online.
Note: If you can't find any information, it may be due to some special reasons that you have changed your tracking number. Please contact customer service email to get the latest order information!

3.How soon will my order arrive?

This depends on where you are located. The shipping time to the UK is about 7-10 business days.

Go to the checkout page, follow the steps and fill in the necessary information. There are “use coupon code” buttons on the order summary section.

1.Will I be charged duties or taxes?

All prices displayed on our website are tax-free GBP, which means that you may be obligated to pay any value-added tax, duties, duties, taxes, handling fees, and customs clearance fees required for importing consumer goods in your country. To We will not charge this fee in advance, nor can we provide you with an estimate of it-fees vary across the world. As an international consumer, please conduct investigations to ensure that there will be no unexpected costs when clearing packages through customs and understand the additional costs that may be incurred. If you are not familiar with customs fees, please contact your local post or customs for more information.

2.What are your hours?

We’re open Monday-Friday, 9:30am-6:30pm, Saturday, 10am-4pm.

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